It is a telling stat that reveals the challenges the not-for-profit sector has in achieving its fundraising goals. You cannot possibly reach the goals without asking for donations but the competition for fundraising risks alienating donors. An Ipsos poll conducted last fall and recently releases finds that almost half of the population feels they are asked too much.
The good news is that only 15% take the extreme far too much view but the bad news is that the far too much view is more likely to be held by those 55 and older (21% far too much and 62% either a little or far too much). It is also more prevalent among those with $100,000 or more in household income (20% far too much and 59% either a little or far too much). These are, of course, the most likely targets of charitable fundraising.
We can expect that while many Canadians feel fatigue with the extent they are asked for donations, they are likely to continue to donate in areas they feel the most connected. Their feeling is, however, a warning sign.
The not-for-profit sector needs to think about how the competition for donations is affecting not only fatigue but also the process donors take when thinking about their charitable giving. It is easy to see how the volume of donations might reduce the willingness to make the long-term commitments that are so valuable to charities because donors will feel that another ask is right around the corner.
Source: Ipsos survey conducted for the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Online survey between October 10 and October 17, 2017 (n=1500). More information available here.