The state of public opinion polls in Canada tells us a lot about the state of public debate about issues in Canada and the nature of the public opinion business and Jenkins Research has been collecting information on polls since April 2016.
Public opinion polls, whether one likes them or not, are critical ingredients of public discourse and tools of lobbying and political debate. Whether one likes them or not, there is no arguing that they provide our companies, not-for-profits, and democratic institutions a peek into the minds of Canadians that can help them affect or respond to social, economic and political events.
Using a careful search strategy and a coding scheme Jenkins Research captures the nature of the polls, including the topics (specifically and in general categories), the sponsors, the modes of data collection, the sample sizes and other survey characteristics.
Each month, public polls are identified through google searches, a review of press releases on the newswire and by going to the research firm websites. For more information on the methodology, visit the Jenkins Research Public Polls site.
About the data: All of the data reported here were collected by Jenkins Research Inc. Best efforts have been made to be as accurate as possible. Monthly results are updated based on new information. If you are interested in the methodology, you can find the information here.
Disclaimer: All data and analysis is protected by copyright and should not be used for commercial purposes without prior consent.